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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Teenager Suffers from Stroke, Rendered Blind, Brain-Damaged After Smoking the 'Fake' Marijuana

Emily...hooked up to an ECG
A teenager from Cypress, Texas, has been left with brain damage, paralysis and is unable to see after smoking 'synthetic marijuana' that she bought from a gas station last December and is also suffering a series of strokes.
see more after the cutFamily of seventeen-year-old Emily Bauer is now hoping to raise awareness of the dangers of the substance, which is often labelled as 'potpourri', while campaigners battle for stricter laws to make it illegal across the country.

Fake weed, which is also known as 'Spice' or 'K2', is an herbal mixture doused with chemicals that trigger a high similar to smoking marijuana, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. See picture below:


It is often sold as incense or potpourri, and is advertised as a legal alternative to weed. While many states have outlawed it, manufacturers have responded by slightly changing the compound so that it can return to shelves.

Emily smoked the drug last December with friends and within 15 minutes, she told her boyfriend she was suffering from a migraine and needed to lay down.

She suffered a series of strokes which left her in a psychotic-like state, during which she urinated on herself, ran into walls, hallucinated and acted violently, her sister told CNN's iReport.
The police were called to help restrain her into an ambulance, and she was taken to Northwest Cypress Hospital, where she bit guardrails and attempted to bite medical staff.

'We thought once she comes down off the drug, we'd take her home and show her the dangers of this drug,' her older sister, Blake, said. 'We didn't think it was as big of a deal until 24 hours later she was still violent and hurting herself. We realized you're not supposed to stay high this long.'

She was put into an induced coma as doctors carried out tests on her brain.
 Doctors soon found Emily's strokes had caused severe vasculitis, meaning contracting blood vessels had constricted the flow of blood and cut off oxygen to her brain.

'In four days' time, we went from thinking everything is going to be OK and we'll put her in drug rehabilitation to now you don't know if she's going to make it,' stepfather Tommy Bryant told CNN.

Doctors soon found Emily's blood vessels were expanding again and while the family saw it as a sign of improvement, pressure on the teenager's brain grew rapidly - and dangerously.

Surgeons had to drill a hole in her skull and insert a tube to relieve pressure. But her brain was still affected.

'We met with Neurology team who showed us Emily's brain images,' her mother, Tonya Bauer, said. 'They told us that all white areas on images were dead. It looked to us at least 70 per cent of the images were white.'

Doctors said Emily would not be able to recognise her family and would never be able to use her arms or legs again.
With this heart-breaking news, Emily's parents made the tough decision to take out her breathing tube and stopped all nourishment on December 16 - but she continued to fight.

As her mother went to her room one morning, she said, 'Good morning, I love you' and was stunned to hear a hoarse voice saying: 'I love you too.'

'Even though she couldn't move, is blind, and could hardly be aware of what was going on around her, she laughed with us as we made jokes and listened to her soft whisper replies,' Blake said.

'It is my little sister shining through, in every way she can manage, with every ounce of strength.'

Emily knows where she is and recognises her family, but every day is still shrouded in confusion.

The family does not know how much control she will recover, but she is already moving her arms and legs, and two weeks ago she started eating solid food again.

Emily's parents have started a nonprofit organization called Synthetic Awareness For Emily to educate teenagers and parents about the dangers of synthetic marijuana use.

'We want to let kids and parents know about the warnings signs: migraines and withdrawal,' Bryant said. 'We all know the warning signs of alcohol and cocaine, but with this synthetic weed stuff, it's so new that nobody knows about this stuff. We want to let other parents know about this so they don't have to go what we've been going through.'

Emily, before ingesting the fatal substance
Bryant said he knew Emily used real marijuana occasionally, and told her she would be grounded if he ever caught her smoking. 'Had I thought that there was any chance that she could have been hurt by this stuff, I would have been a lot more vigilant. I had no idea it was so bad,' Bryant told CNN. 'I'd never have thought we'd be in this situation. If she had bought it off the street or from a corner, that's one thing, but she bought it from convenience store.'

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