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Friday, January 11, 2013

Catching Up With The Fashion Trend

I have a handbag i do carry suddenly started having heavy pains and the one of my colleague told me to read this online and i was amazed.
Big hand bags are in vogue among Nigerian ladies though there are some health implications associated with the trend .
see more after the cut....
In Nigeria, the latest fashion among ladies is the big handbag. Popularly called "Ghana-must-go," "I-no-go-return today," "Till-day-break," "self contained," young ladies (and even the elderly ones) have embraced this new fashion trend. What has continued to engage discussions is the content of these bags. Many people are of the view that at times the content might not be anything order than unnecessary items like an old wrapper, corn, pear, and other not-to-be mentioned women items, simply to inflate the size of the bag.
An article in the Daily Mail of London titled:
"How Heavy is Your Handbag", explained that extra pressure on backs and shoulders could lead to severe long term skeletal and muscular damage. The ideal weight it said should not exceed 1kg, or 2.2lbs. Interestingly, for women with young children, all those pockets and compartments provide great storage for items they cannot leave home without.
It was gathered that the cost of the hand bag depends on its qualities and size. Some smaller handbags are more expensive than some bigger ones. The quality of leather used in producing a bag also determines its cost. Some designer hand bags like Versace, Christian Dior, Dolce and Gabanna are most common among ladies.
The history of handbags dates back to the early man. Then, even men used these handbags for different purposes. Hunters, farmers and herbalists among others, used bags to hold various work tools.
The big hand bag is the latest trend for ladies; it gives one a girly status. I love it and prefer it to the smaller ones, but one cannot use it for every occasion. You have to dress according to the occasion. For a cocktail party, the big hand bag is not necessary, a purse or clutch bag would suit.
It was also gathered that the content of the bag differs among ladies who carry them but generally they contain make-up, spare flat slippers for those wearing high heel shoes, Bible, novel and sometimes their breakfast or lunch. For weekends away from home or out of town, a lady may pack a change of clothes like: jeans, a top or dress, and toiletries.
The new fashion in town also comes with a burden of sort, and this depends on the carrier who has to make the choice. A major decision the lover of the big hand bag has to make is where exactly to carry it - carrying it by the handles, over the shoulder or in the crook of the arm. But experts say the healthiest way is to spread the weight of the bag diagonally across the shoulders and chest. Balancing the hand bag in the crook of the arm is the least advisable as this puts more strain on the body because of being farther away from the centre of gravity. Grace and poise are likely to go out the window if the hand bag is not well carried.
Despite the pleasure ladies derive form carrying big bags, there is an erroneous belief that those who carry big hand bags are sex workers as  big bags may mean‘big’ backache because the larger the space inside it, the more inclined women are to fill it. "Carrying around three to four kilos daily undoubtedly takes its toll on ones health," he said.
But designers say the history of ladies’ big handbags is traced back to the 80’s and 90’s when fashion was at its peak. Then it was not rampant as it is today.

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