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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Eminem Has Become “Born Again Christian”?

EminemEminem Has Become A BORN AGAIN Rapper
CHRISTIAN!!” announces a headline from MediaTakeOut, which is still struggling to unlock its caps key.

see more after the cut...
Picking up on a report from the Christian Post, the blog says Eminem has “turned his life over to Christ,” and is “building a relationship with God and using that to help him spiritually, and with his addiction problems.”

The webloid then quotes a supposed “source” who allegedly “witnessed the Detroit rapper’s transformation firsthand.”

According to the purported “insider,” Eminem has removed himself “from the depths of the music industry,” and will “no longer be conforming to what the business expects of him.”
The report then cites the rapper’s 1996 track “It’s OK,” in which he sings, “But in the midst of this insanity, I’ve found my Christianity through God and there’s a wish he granted me.”


So we’re supposed to believe that Eminem is essentially giving up his music career for religion, based on vague statements from an anonymous “source,” coupled with the fact that he once — many years ago — mentioned Christianity in a song?

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